Welcome to the appointment booking website.
This website is for general customers (who do not have a corporate contract with us) to book an appointment for visiting a Nissan Parts Sales Chuo shop to purchase auto parts.
If you wish to purchase auto parts directly from Nissan Parts Sales Chuo, please specify a time and date for your visit and fill out the booking form.
Nissan Parts Sales Chuo is an auto parts wholesaler. We do not offer replacement or installation services. Please note that we cannot respond to any inquiries about topics other than purchasing parts, such as instructions for replacing parts or if a part is correct.
Procedure for using the appointment booking system

Please use the booking form to send us the store branch, the time and date you wish to visit, and your customer information.
*Your customer information must include your email address and information about your vehicle. Please have these ready.
You will receive a response from our staff to the email address provided within 48 hours (excluding Sundays and public holidays).
This email will give you the confirmed time and date for your appointment and important points to remember, so be sure to read it through.

When you arrive…
Our staff will use the vehicle information you provided when booking your appointment to search for your parts and find the part numbers. We will then show you information such as pictures of the parts so we can check with you that the parts are what you need. If you agree that the parts are correct, you can place an order for the parts.
Please note that we keep very few parts in stock and most parts must be ordered. Payment is by cash only. When ordering parts, please pay in advance.
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